Charles Martinet, renowned as the voice behind Nintendo’s iconic Mario character, resigns from his role.

Nintendo expresses gratitude and pays tribute to Charles Martinet, the talented voice actor behind the beloved character Mario, for his years of contribution. In an official statement, the company acknowledges the privilege of collaborating with Martinet and acknowledges the significant role he played in bringing Mario to life.

Aside from voicing Mario, Martinet has also lent his voice to other iconic characters in the Nintendo universe, including Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi, in various video games. Although he did not voice Mario in the recent movie, he did make a brief appearance as Mario’s father.

During a Q&A session at a Canadian gaming and comics expo two years ago, Martinet expressed his strong desire to continue voicing Mario. In response to a fan’s question, he declared, “I want to voice Mario until I drop dead,” as reported by gaming blog The Game Crater. However, he also acknowledged that if there comes a time when he feels incapable of fulfilling the role, he would inform Nintendo and suggest finding a suitable replacement.

Nintendo has not disclosed the reasons behind Martinet’s departure or revealed who will take on the role of Mario’s voice going forward. As fans bid farewell to Martinet’s iconic portrayal of the character, they eagerly await the announcement of the new voice actor who will step into Mario’s shoes.