Pre-Cop28 Talks Begin: Dr Sultan Al Jaber Urges Global Unity

Dr Sultan Al Jaber, the President-designate of Cop28 and Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, has emphasized the importance of unity at the upcoming climate conference in Dubai. In his speech at the pre-Cop talks in Abu Dhabi, Dr Al Jaber called for global action to address the climate crisis. The event, which saw the participation of more than 100 delegations and 70 ministers, is considered crucial in the lead-up to the summit.

Dr Al Jaber stressed that the world is currently facing numerous divisions and emphasized the need for the international community to demonstrate its ability to deliver on the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, particularly in keeping global warming to 1.5°C. He also acknowledged the ongoing debate surrounding the role of fossil fuels and renewables in the negotiated text.

Regarding the oil and gas sector, Dr Al Jaber highlighted the response from over 20 companies to Cop28’s call to end methane emissions by 2030. He expressed optimism about the increasing momentum in this area and mentioned ongoing engagements with other high-emission sectors such as heavy transportation, aluminium, steel, and cement to establish credible decarbonization plans.

The climate conference in Dubai, scheduled from November 30 to December 12, aims to address the escalating climate emergency as global temperatures reach record highs and extreme weather events become more frequent. However, the UN has warned that the world is off track in meeting the goals of the Paris accord.

Dr Al Jaber urged parties to formulate stronger agreements than in previous conferences, stressing the urgency of the situation and the need to prioritize common interests over short-term thinking. He called for a robust response to the global stocktake at Cop28, as well as significant progress on mitigation, adaptation, and finance.

In terms of funding, Dr Al Jaber emphasized the importance of delivering on the promises made in Sharm El Sheikh, particularly regarding the fund for loss and damage. He also called for the scaling up of finance to areas most in need and highlighted the $100 billion annual climate finance pledge.

Additionally, Dr Al Jaber stressed the need to focus on adaptation measures and the preservation of natural carbon sinks. He called for every nation to embed nature-positive investments in their national climate strategies.

The pre-Cop negotiations in Abu Dhabi aimed to generate momentum for the upcoming UN summit. During this time, Dr Al Jaber met with ministers and climate leaders, including US climate envoy John Kerry.

The Cop28 President-designate concluded his speech by highlighting the significance of the conference and the importance of its success. He urged unity and emphasized the world’s collective responsibility to deliver concrete actions in Dubai.

Updated: October 30, 2023, 9:15 AM

Pre-Cop28 talks commence as Dr Sultan Al Jaber urges global unity