Dubai’s Vibrant Cultural Scene Revolves Around the Theatre of Digital Art Leader

A Day in the Life: Experience a Typical UAE Resident’s Daily Routine at Theatre of Digital Art

Dubai’s Madinat Theatre underwent a transformation three years ago and was reborn as the Theatre of Digital Art (Toda), an immersive experience that goes beyond showcasing classical art. Leading this creative center is Daria Prodaevich, who joined as the art director in 2021 and is now the managing director. Her mission is to expand the concept of Toda by incorporating innovative technology into various artistic expressions.

Prodaevich, a 29-year-old with a background in cultural studies, grew up in Moscow where she worked as a museum tour guide and pursued acting. She also has experience in PR, HR, and operations. However, her passion for the arts eventually led her to seek opportunities in Dubai, where she has family connections.

So, what does a typical day in the life of Daria Prodaevich look like?

The day starts early for Prodaevich, with her Italian greyhound, Grey, serving as her alarm clock. After taking Grey for a walk, she dedicates 40 minutes to yoga before having breakfast. Her workplace in Barsha Heights is only a 10-minute drive from home.

Initially, Prodaevich didn’t warm up to Dubai during her previous holiday visits, but she soon realized the city’s potential for technological development and innovation. She saw an opportunity to contribute to the local cultural scene by expanding Toda’s offerings. In November 2021, they became the first to launch an immersive digital art/NFT exhibition.

Arriving at work, Prodaevich starts her day by greeting her team of 30 members and overseeing rehearsals for future shows. She emphasizes the importance of marketing their projects through videos and social media. When Prodaevich joined Toda, she saw potential in going beyond their initial brief and experimenting with different arts and collaborations.

As the doors of Toda open to the public, Prodaevich ensures that everything is in order throughout the venue. While digital art shows are still a significant part of Toda’s program, they now offer a diverse range of concerts, theater performances, wellness activities, educational sessions, masterclasses, and lectures. Toda has evolved into an immersive hub that combines various art forms in one place.

Since not all Toda employees are based in the UAE, the team conducts virtual curatorial meetings using a metaverse platform. Prodaevich’s vision is to enrich the UAE’s cultural landscape by showcasing both local and international talent. They invite musicians to collaborate with digital artists and work closely with digital studios.

Thirty percent of Toda’s audience consists of tourists, while the remainder are UAE citizens and residents. Their programs cater to this diverse demographic, with a particular emphasis on family-friendly digital shows. Prodaevich mentions upcoming events, such as their preparations for The Wizard of Oz and corporate activations like transforming Toda into a dungeon for the launch of the Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon.

Prodaevich spends time with her tech team to ensure that the visual concerts are ready to captivate audiences. As a manager, she acknowledges the importance of her team’s contributions and describes them as amazing. Defining Toda’s evolving identity for the public is a complex task that involves numerous brainstorming sessions and the freedom to explore different artistic avenues.

By late afternoon, Prodaevich is either inspecting event setups or engaging in feedback sessions with her tech team. Toda’s goal is to showcase hidden gems of Dubai and create new experiences through collaborations with technology. They have previously presented Japanese Miyazaki anime-inspired digital artwork, AI-generated artworks, and Ramadan calligraphy set to handpan orchestration. This time, an open call brought local and international theater companies to their stage.

As the evening approaches, Prodaevich makes final checks behind the scenes for special shows or may join a meditation or art therapy session. Sound healing is particularly popular in Dubai, providing a relaxing way to end the day with mesmerizing visual effects and water sounds.

Deciding between heading home for dinner or attending a performance, Prodaevich sometimes stays for Toda’s popular Friday jazz night. The visuals from their library complement the musicians’ performances, creating a unique cultural experience enhanced by technology.

After work, Prodaevich finds time for a dog walk, TV, reading, or researching potential new shows before finally going to bed. One of her notable bookings involved creating a concert experience that was designed to lull people to sleep based on the theme of 1960s concerts. As the night progressed, the music and art changed to wake them up, providing a truly immersive and experimental experience.

Daria Prodaevich’s role as the managing director of Toda allows her to merge her artistic passions with her love for Dubai’s fast-paced development. Her commitment to enriching the local cultural scene through innovative technology and collaborations showcases the city’s audacious approach to arts and entertainment.

As Toda continues to evolve, visitors can expect to be mesmerized by immersive digital art exhibitions, cutting-edge concerts, and a diverse range of cultural experiences that combine the rich history of Dubai with the possibilities of the future.

Updated: October 24, 2023, 8:31 AM

Dubai’s Cultural Scene Thrives with the Leadership of The Theatre of Digital Art